Milk Is Good For You!

Ramblings from the mind of your not-so-average average teenager.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Moo (Didn't I Title Another Post Like This?)

You know what? I'm too lazy to check and see if I've already made a moo post.

The reason I'm posting at noon on a Monday is because it's Presidents Day. Yes, Presidents Day; the day where every President of the United States died just to give me, Patrick, a day off from school. And I shall forever be grateful to them for that.

Wait- wuzzat? They did other crap too? Pshaw, like I care what the freakin' Presidents did. I just don't want to go to school.

I've been playing Animal Crossing in amazing quantities lately. I don't know why, I just have (for those of you who don't know what Animal Crossing is [Blashphemy!], it's a game for the Gamecube that was released sometime in 2002 in which the player creates a character and moves into a town filled with animals as neighbors- hence the name. The basic premise is to pay off your debt to this raccoon you bought your house from, but you can still play even after you do that. Though the game for the Nintendo DS is supposed to be more exciting). I just really want to not have to owe any money for my house on that game any longer, so that might be why I'm playing it so much.

And speaking of games, I need a new one. I'm going to buy either Tales of Legendia or Grandia III (both for PS2) sometime soon and then ask for the other one for my birthday. Then I'll eventually grab Tales of Phantasia for the GBA, which is released sometime in March (and I can't wait because it's supposedly the sequel to Tales of Symphonia!). Over the summer I'll try and get Naruto: Narutimate Hero for the PS2, and then I'm aiming to buy Naruto: Clash of Ninja 2 for the Gamecube. Oh, and we can't forget The Legend of Zelda: The Twilight Princess which is being released around May, now can we?

No, we cannot.

Now I'm bored again, so I'll post again tomorrow or later today and complain about some people. That is, if I can remember what they did to annoy me.


  • At 5:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I don't really care about the other games...but ZELDA MUST COME. I'm quite excited about being able to transform into a wolf and HOPEFULLY be able to rip open the intestines of other wonderful monsters. Other games, meh.

  • At 12:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Somehow I don't quite think that you will be able to literally rip their intestines out. That might give it more of an, I dunno, 18 certificate. Or whatever the frag it's called in the States. Never did get the hang of the weird ratings system over the duck pond.

    I do want Legendia and Grandia though. Something to keep me occupied until my next Ratchet and Clank/Square-Enix/Zelda fix (delete as appropriate).


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