Milk Is Good For You!

Ramblings from the mind of your not-so-average average teenager.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008


Creativity and I aren't really meshing right now.

School starts back up tomorrow. English and Chemistry are almost over, and I am so relieved. I can't wait for my easy classes of 2nd semester. Fantasy/Sci-Fi! Yeah, whatever.

Went over to a friend's for New Years, it was fun. Played a little Guitar Hero III. My mom was texting me around 12:30 (She wanted to know when I was planning on getting home. Apparently, she wanted me home by then, and
I really didn't care.), and she was all, "If there was alcohol there, you are not to drive home. One of us will come get you." And I was just thinking, "Wow, mom, you don't realize that me and my friends are the biggest squares in the world and we would never drink. Try the super straight-A/tennis player/church band member kid who lives down the street and whom everyone knows has alcohol at his party."

Yeah, we're awesome.


  • At 11:46 AM, Blogger Slyph said…

    Sounds like an awesome party. Your's, not the poser child's. I did something similar with my friends. Sat around, watched the ball drop, played various video games, and I had yet another opportunity to give one of my FE: RD speeches. On Nephenee, specifically.

    Anyway, Happy New Year, and stuff.

  • At 9:43 PM, Blogger Shino said…

    Well, I would discuss it with my friends if I knew any of them had even heard of the franchise.


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