Milk Is Good For You!

Ramblings from the mind of your not-so-average average teenager.

Sunday, January 27, 2008


Oh, being in French makes me remember that I forgot how to speak French.

I should be doing French worksheets right now, but I'm not because they're easy (lol, translate) and I should be doing some Internet thing for Reading College Prep, but I don't care about that class. I should also be working on a character for RikuDrak's (from The Manor) Livejournal RP thing, but all I can think of is his name, and that's the name of my account on LJ. Blargh.

Reading idiots comment on someone else's blog makes me giggle. No one's heard of Silverchair, get used to it. And some people like their men skinny. ^.~ (NOT CREEPY. AT ALL.)


  • At 10:40 PM, Blogger Calix said…

    Mwhehehhh. And there's an RP going? Maybe I should jump into that...I've been feeling like RPing lately. But I d'know if I have time. Got myself some french worksheets to be doing too. ...20 page worksheets a week. :D XD


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