Milk Is Good For You!

Ramblings from the mind of your not-so-average average teenager.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Older Kids Are Dumb

Yes, after nearly a month of not posting, I have returned to bring more annoyance from Strings class! Why? Because older kids are dumb? How so? Let me explain. It lays out like this:

Micheal: You aren't perfect. Every now and then, you play a wrong note, or you rush. So, don't blame other people for your mistakes. However, you are the person who holds the section together with your good time keeping and humor. All I want from you is to act like you're human and you mess up. I know it's a long shot, but you can let someone dream, can't you?

Nicole: Don't start chastising people when you're messing up more than we are. You continually make mistakes, such as coming in too early, so just shut up. And when Mrs. Bierkan says stop playing, she means STOP PLAYING. And, like Diana, you need to read markings on the sheet music a bit more, because you tend to be bowing all over the place.

Diana: I don't know if you're a sophomore or a junior or a senior, so first off, forgive me for that. Secondly, you can read, yes? Then do the correct bowings as they're marked. And the notes aren't that hard to read, either. A sixth grader could read it even. I don't want to be insulting, but it is true.

Amanda: Not much of what you're doing is annoying me. Try harder, I guess. Thanks for doing better than the others.

Now, I know I have faults, too. But, unlike you guys, I at least try to rectify them. And that goes for Sarah, too. We're freshmen, and we're making much better progress than the four of you (well, except for Michael. He gets things pretty much off the bat.) combined.

Thanks, String class, for letting me relieve some anger!


  • At 5:39 PM, Blogger Rob7534 said…

    Everyone's a critic, and everyone thinks they should be First Chair!

    But, it's a great post :)


  • At 8:18 PM, Blogger Calix said…

    Hey's Belus from the BK boards.

    Just...being bored. >.>


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