POW! I Shot You!
You are dead. You are now a zombie. Follow every one of my commands. ALL OF THEM, YOU UNDEAD FREAK. Wait- that didn't come out right. What I meant was- *stops as crowd of undead zombies prepare to kill him* I KIILED YOU SO I AM YOUR LEADER! Wait, that doesn't make sense. Aha! I know!
*revives you with Super Cool-Looking Holy Stuff* There, you are now no longer undead, so you can go do living-people things. Now, shoo. SHOO!
Now, where was I? Oh yeah- we're going to Hawaii for Spring Break. Aren't you jealous, you people-who-used-to-be-dead-and-then-undead-but-who-I-revived, aren't you? Huh? So, for the plane trip, I got a double DVD package of Willy Wonka and The Wizard of Oz! ("We're off to see the Wizard, the Wonderful Wizard of Ozzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!")
Yes, I realize I'm being uncharacteristacally (I least for my blog) happy, but it could be the pink. What do you think? Maybe I could put some pictures of chiffon or cashmere, those are fancy fabrics, you know.
...Oh my God, it is the pink. I might be acting stereotypical here on saying pink is girly, but I must run away, NOW! I MUST RUN FROM THE GIRLYPINK! AHH!
Bite me, you big meanies! *sissy-slap*
*revives you with Super Cool-Looking Holy Stuff* There, you are now no longer undead, so you can go do living-people things. Now, shoo. SHOO!
Now, where was I? Oh yeah- we're going to Hawaii for Spring Break. Aren't you jealous, you people-who-used-to-be-dead-and-then-undead-but-who-I-revived, aren't you? Huh? So, for the plane trip, I got a double DVD package of Willy Wonka and The Wizard of Oz! ("We're off to see the Wizard, the Wonderful Wizard of Ozzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!")
Yes, I realize I'm being uncharacteristacally (I least for my blog) happy, but it could be the pink. What do you think? Maybe I could put some pictures of chiffon or cashmere, those are fancy fabrics, you know.
...Oh my God, it is the pink. I might be acting stereotypical here on saying pink is girly, but I must run away, NOW! I MUST RUN FROM THE GIRLYPINK! AHH!
Bite me, you big meanies! *sissy-slap*