Milk Is Good For You!

Ramblings from the mind of your not-so-average average teenager.

Monday, January 28, 2008


I do not appreciate being yelled at by my French teacher because eight idiotic seniors decided it was okay to talk when she's trying to show us a video of a French newscast, which we were going to be tested on. The guy of the group is the most aggravating person in the world (he's up there, anyway), and all he does is fucking talk. It's like, I like to ramble but at least I can shut up, and just because other people fail miserably at whispering (he's pretty much shouting the entire time), they know when to be quiet, too.

Our teacher was all, "Oh, did you know what they said in the video? No, because you were too busy not paying attention." I was staring at the stupid screen the entire time, genuinely trying to understand what they were saying (French people speak French fast), but all I got out of it was the obvious: that the Lion King had moved to some theater in Paris.

I seriously want to strangle those kids, or rip their vocal chords out, but I would rather be a little less violent and make a whole lot less of a mess.

A positive, though, is that Circle of Life sounds nice in French.

C'est le circle... le circle de vie. Le circle de... VIEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! (That's what I think they said, anyway.)

Sunday, January 27, 2008


Oh, being in French makes me remember that I forgot how to speak French.

I should be doing French worksheets right now, but I'm not because they're easy (lol, translate) and I should be doing some Internet thing for Reading College Prep, but I don't care about that class. I should also be working on a character for RikuDrak's (from The Manor) Livejournal RP thing, but all I can think of is his name, and that's the name of my account on LJ. Blargh.

Reading idiots comment on someone else's blog makes me giggle. No one's heard of Silverchair, get used to it. And some people like their men skinny. ^.~ (NOT CREEPY. AT ALL.)

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


How am I supposed to do anything on Blogger if no one updates their own blogs? Nothing's going on with me because my life has been quite boring as of late.

Now, let the post title amuse you. Or something.

Friday, January 18, 2008

About Cloverfield

So I've read a couple of reviews and people are complaining about how there isn't any characterization blah blah blah in the movie? Well, I'm pretty sure the point of the whole, "We're going to make it less theatric by making it seem like the video came directly from someone who recorded the situation from the point of view" thing kind of negates the need for any sort of characterization. Hell, we should be lucky for any characterization we get at all.

I mean, seriously. I'm sorry, but assuming I even had the willpower to record something like that, me and my friends aren't going to "grow" as characters for whatever audience may be watching the tape because we wouldn't have to, since it's supposed to be more realistic. And that means there isn't going to be a lot of common storyline attributes included because in real life, home videos don't characterize people like in theatric productions. Jeez.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

That's one doodle that can't be undid, homeskillet.

Oh, Juno. I love you.

And NO. I do not mean the Roman goddess.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Oh, Christ

Okay, I know 9/11 is a sensitive issue, but people are taking this waaaay out of context. It's a game whose point is to STOP THE TERRORIST. They're not remaking the event because they're horrible people and they have nothing else to do but to sit there and say, "You know what? I am such a heartless individual that I'm going to make a 9/11 Internet game just to make people feel horrible. What a good idea!"

It's a game to try and show the point that getting rid of terrorism through war is impossible, which isn't that wrong. No matter what, people are always going to have different schools of thought, and some of those people -a marginal percentage, I'm sure- are going to think that they'll be able to switch the world to their ideology by blowing shit up. And sometimes, you've really got to think that the world would be a little better place if someone people did just blow up.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Re: Anger, procrastination, sorrow

So because we had a snow day today, I couldn't get a book I needed for my paper from my locker and use it for my English paper. Now I've got to BS some parts, and it's still due tomorrow because my teacher will be all "EVERYONE KNEW WHEN IT WAS DUE, WHICH WAS TODAY!" Of course, she'll be saying this tomorrow. >>

Tuesday, January 01, 2008


Creativity and I aren't really meshing right now.

School starts back up tomorrow. English and Chemistry are almost over, and I am so relieved. I can't wait for my easy classes of 2nd semester. Fantasy/Sci-Fi! Yeah, whatever.

Went over to a friend's for New Years, it was fun. Played a little Guitar Hero III. My mom was texting me around 12:30 (She wanted to know when I was planning on getting home. Apparently, she wanted me home by then, and
I really didn't care.), and she was all, "If there was alcohol there, you are not to drive home. One of us will come get you." And I was just thinking, "Wow, mom, you don't realize that me and my friends are the biggest squares in the world and we would never drink. Try the super straight-A/tennis player/church band member kid who lives down the street and whom everyone knows has alcohol at his party."

Yeah, we're awesome.