Milk Is Good For You!

Ramblings from the mind of your not-so-average average teenager.

Sunday, February 27, 2005

POW! I Shot You!

You are dead. You are now a zombie. Follow every one of my commands. ALL OF THEM, YOU UNDEAD FREAK. Wait- that didn't come out right. What I meant was- *stops as crowd of undead zombies prepare to kill him* I KIILED YOU SO I AM YOUR LEADER! Wait, that doesn't make sense. Aha! I know!

*revives you with Super Cool-Looking Holy Stuff* There, you are now no longer undead, so you can go do living-people things. Now, shoo. SHOO!

Now, where was I? Oh yeah- we're going to Hawaii for Spring Break. Aren't you jealous, you people-who-used-to-be-dead-and-then-undead-but-who-I-revived, aren't you? Huh? So, for the plane trip, I got a double DVD package of Willy Wonka and The Wizard of Oz! ("We're off to see the Wizard, the Wonderful Wizard of Ozzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!")

Yes, I realize I'm being uncharacteristacally (I least for my blog) happy, but it could be the pink. What do you think? Maybe I could put some pictures of chiffon or cashmere, those are fancy fabrics, you know.

...Oh my God, it is the pink. I might be acting stereotypical here on saying pink is girly, but I must run away, NOW! I MUST RUN FROM THE GIRLYPINK! AHH!

Bite me, you big meanies! *sissy-slap*

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Early Release Day

It was a early release day (which obviously means, we were released early from school. I'll tell you why some other time) today, and it was so-so. We watched the movie Radio. t's kinda sad, but I didn't cry once. Nope, not me. Not ever! *DEFIANCE! ON!* I could've cried, but I didn't, because I'm manly!

Oh, God, that sounded stupid.

Bite me.

Sunday, February 20, 2005

What the Shcrap?!

I'm watching the Jimmy Neutron movie. I know it's sad, but I'm too lazy to change the channel. Anyway, what's the word shcrap mean? My friend Maggie made it up a while ago, it's a combination of crap and... well, you know, the 's' word.

Tomorrow is the premiere of Avatar! Yay! What I'm surprised by is that Nickolodeon took on such an interesting sounding anime. I expected Cartoon Network, Toonami, or Adult Swim to take it, but whatever. As long as 4Kids doesn't edit it, I'm okay. 4Kids has a nasty habit of making almost every storyline uninteresting. Poor Yu-Gi-Oh was destroyed that way, and Shaman King lost much of it's respect when it crossed over from Japan because of that company.

And.. shcrap, I can't think of any clever 'bite me' sayings so I'll have to think of something else.

Uh... eat my shorts?

Sunday, February 13, 2005

Welcome to the Twilight Zone, Losers

Please forgive me for my recent absense of posting (which I know all of you out there missed me during), but I'm back! YAY!

Reasoning Behind my Disappearance: I think I was sucked into the Twilight Zone. *cue weird music* It was a place where I was forced to go to school, and talk to insane people who insisted were my friends. It was a very strange place indeed. Wha? It's my regular life? I was just lazy and didn't post? Well, I'll tell you something! I could never get on the right computer, because only one of our computers allows me to post. So there!!!! Dumb people who think they know what they're talking about...

And allow me to say that I do not like the following celebrities: Paris Hilton, Jesse MsCartney, Usher, and every other one who spends all their riches to buy nice expensive things when they don't deserve it! Wait- that's all of them, isn't it? Spoiled freaking... RAWR! That's all, Paris Hilton/Usher obsessors.

Bite me snotty celebrity figures.