Milk Is Good For You!

Ramblings from the mind of your not-so-average average teenager.

Saturday, July 29, 2006


Is that how the word it spelled? Oh, nevermind. On to the complaining:

Okay, so at my job, there's this really annoying guy that gets on my nerves SO. FREAKING. MUCH. You see, I doubt he even realizes he comes off as this, but he just seems so egotistical and condescending at times. He's been there since the first day, so he has a lot of experience and a lot of people ask him for advice if a scanner stops working or something. But I think that through his subconcious he's starting to think he's better, because he tries to boss us around, telling us that he'd like us to do something better when we're prepping files or something.

Which, in actuality, means, "Listen to me because I could obviously do a better job than you morons." And I'm not the only one that feels this way. I've heard two other guys saying how the first guy needs to remember he's a scanner, just like the rest of us.

I was planning on saying something else so as to change the mood from the first couple of paragraphs, but I completely forgot what it was. So bleh.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Random Pictures

So Breanne had this party earlier today and she had a couple of disposable cameras handy. It was in the last twenty minutes I was at said party that she and I picked up a camera and started causing mayhem by flashing the flash into people's eyes.

...Well, she did, at least. I hadn't realized there was a flash button on the stupid thing until Sarah pointed it. I swore it was just some random label they put on the camera.

And speaking of Sarah, she brought some pictures from Michigan with her. I'm in about three, and I like two of them. The only one I didn't like was one where I attempted to look "gangster," as per request made by Sarah. I just look extremely stupid.

And Andrea, don't you dare say anything about that last sentence.

Saturday, July 15, 2006


I haven't posted in forever. I was going to post about a party we had before I left for Michigan last week, but I completely forgot to. Sorry about that.

Then I was going to post all about my trip to Lake Walloon, Michigan the day after I got back, but I never got around to it. Bleh. Sorry about that one, too.

Now I'm posting. And I've got nothing to post about. So get used to it.