Seriously, a group of us are planning to dress up as the Power Rangers (the original generation because everyone knows they're most definitely the best), and I'm gonna be the blue one. We've- e.g. me- decided that Kristen C. is Red, Nik is Black, Breanne is Yellow, Kathleen is Pink, and Lauren is the super-cool sixth White Ranger. However, Kristen has bad leadership skills, but that was only because I was teasing her when we were pouring cement mix into a hole on Sunday.
Speaking of Sunday, I finally got to do something for Ecology Club. We're making an observation deck, an outdoor classroom, and a mini-bridge thing near the wetlands. The wetland area is basically a small slope with a bunch of cat-tails. There are hopes that the cat-tails will be gone eventually so we can see the animals and such better.
The highlight of the morning was when Kurt found a dead rabbit in one of the holes they dug last week. Lauren squealed a lot, but then TJ threw it in a few trees that was away from the holes, so that ended that.
Anyway, the reason I actually crawled back to this place. I'm watching Oprah right now, and she's talking with a bunch of teenagers (64, to be exact). They had those 64 students from Monroe High School in Michigan (I think) participate in Challenge Day. Challenge Day lets students to open up to each other and help stop bullying, whatever.
Yvonne whatever-her-last-name-is, one of the co-founders of Challenge Day. She said that the reasons for stress and such at school are, in addition to the regular causes (alcohol and drug abuse arejust symptoms, you know), people can bully others or something because of stress and crap. My reaction is what: Whaaaaaaaat?
School plays a major role in the stress thing. Because of NCLB, students have to take graduation tests, and even if you're the best student in the school, if you miss passing by just a point, you won't graduate with your class. With rising expectations from parents and colleges, students are selling themselves short trying to accomplish enough to meet these ridiculous demands. I'm happy that Loveland doesn't seem like this so far, but there are several schools where the creativity of learning and the exploration of finding out which career path a student would want to go down. Instead, schools are obsessed with test scores and making sure the government doesn't come and cut their funding.
But other than that, high schools rock.