Milk Is Good For You!

Ramblings from the mind of your not-so-average average teenager.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Zombie Dentist, Oh no

I went to the dentist last week, and it was enjoyable, as per usual. I'm amazing with not getting cavities (ha, Andrea), so it's always the same thing: "Brush better behind your teeth; here, have a free toothbrush." Getting my teeth cleaned is amazing, too, because it just feels so minty and refreshing. You just have to love the feeling.

And, to top it off, Zombie by the Cranberries was playing on the radio when I was finally done. It was only the end, but it was still freaking Zombie, and I love that song. So yay.

Monday, September 17, 2007

It's just a greasy spoooooooooooon...

So I broke a watch glass in Chemistry today, and it would've gone pretty smoothly if it weren't for the other people in the class. Namely, retarded sophomores and one of the VerHoef twins. So they all laughed and went "Oooooooooooooh" like 4 year-olds when someone else gets in trouble.

Basically, I'm just so relieved to be taking Honors Chemistry with a bunch of toddlers.

(Yay, SpongeBob!)

Friday, September 14, 2007

Morons in the Hands of an Angry Patrick

Oh, John Edwards, you better be rolling in your grave.

It's Junior year now, kids, which means it's been quite a while since you've last heard from me. I'm sure we'll get back into a nice rhythm as I slowly remember to try and post some more ramblings here, so just bear with me. Anyway:

In  English class today we read an excerpt of the sermon "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God." It was a sermon given by one John Edwards to a congregation of Puritans. Puritans, being the nice pessimistic people they are, believed that one's admittance to heaven was preordained by God, and the fact that we're all alive right this moment, not burning in hell at these very moments was by the merciful mood of God. Oh, and apparently, God is angry. There's a lot of mutterances of God's wrath, yadda yadda yadda, we've heard it all before.

The point is, this whole thing got me thinking: Why do people generally want to go to heaven or even believe in God himself? It was the same tactics as used in Edwards' speech: fear. It's basically, "Oh, be nice and stuff or you go to this crappy place where you'll burn (also interchangeable with several other eternal damnation options!) for all of infinity because God isn't as omnibenevolent as they want you to think!"

A truly omnibenevolent God would put aside any number of atrocities one performed in life. The only thing that matters is faith. One shouldn't be forced into following a dogma of ancient traditions. Where do you think atheists find all their ammo for ripping apart Christianity? All those freaking tenets that they just have to stick to (I have a friend who is really weird with her religious side, and she didn't show it at all until I started calling another friend Jesus).

Um, I would've put all of that much more eloquently if I had felt like it, but I'm lazy. But as a positive note, the video to the song "1, 2, 3, 4" by Feist is quite entertaining.