Milk Is Good For You!

Ramblings from the mind of your not-so-average average teenager.

Saturday, January 29, 2005

Die, Darn You! DIE!

If you're reading this post, then... HA! I laugh at you! I knew apparent death and/or homicide would interest you into reading my latest post. So HA!!!!!!exclamationpoint!!!!!!

Anyway, yesterday was the Winter Dance and it seemed short. And I didn't drink as much pop (or soda for you non-Midwesterners) as I thought I would have, but then again, I danced more than I thought I would have. I watch the show Gilmore Girls, and I find it funny, so if you don't find it funny, then you obviously have some sort of mental disorder, so there!

Oh, and "Mike's Super Short Show" of Disney show annoys me because they're horrible actors. Except Sally, since she was in a movie (I think), but Mike sucks. So there.

Bite me, Gilmore Girls-haters and Mike-likers. Oh, and all of those just described: Die, darn you! DIE!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

What? Friends? Me?

Yes, I have friends, and I wish to tell you things of them. I shall make a list with every friend I have that I can think of. If you realize you're my friend and I didn't put you on here, I apologize a thousand apologies and hope that you forgive me. If not, then you won't make it no matter how much you whine. So there!

The Almighty List of Friends of Patrick!!!!!!

Andrea Conley- Two words: Twin. Sister. How couldn't I love her? Well, there is the whole thing when she overreacts and yells at me, but whatever.

Nik Snyder- Kid I met last year via my sister. He's obsessed with sports (in a non-unhealthy way), and the butt of many of my jokes. Boo-hoo. He's an overall okay guy, and can make you laugh. Sometimes.

Maggie Schildmeyer- Girl I met last year, first through my science class on the first day, then through Nik. They both went to a different school in the area. and then switched over. Neat, huh? (Yeah, I know it's not really interesting, but I'm being nice) She's in show choir right now, and has performed in one of the school plays. She's dramatic.

Ben Duncan- This guy I met in 5th grade. Such a long time ago. I was so short! And blonde! He's funny, and now our relationship is basically eating lunch together and hanging around outside. I need to talk to him more.

Jeff Kolberg- Friend I met via Ben. Talked to him a lot during 6th grade, and he's basically on the same schedule as Ben.

Sarah Bailey- My sister's best friend who is crazy. When she's both sugar-high and not. I'm still insisting that she has some sort of strange, other-worldly sugar reserve in her body somewhere, which she summons sugar from to become hyper. Then she stores all sugar consumed in said reserve for future use. You get the point.

Matt Jacobson- Sarah's boyfriend, and fellow cognitive-gifted person (Yeah, I'm smart. Super genius Patrick here). Anyway, he's very very tall, very tall. He's at least a head taller than me.

Kristen Knobbe- Andrea and Sarah's thrid friend. They make a trio. Wonderfully annoying things come in 3's. Yay. She's obsessed with cute guys and her hair. She's blonde, too, so she has short bursts of blonde-ness stuff.

Cara Lucke- First friend of Sarah's I hang out with at school.

Devon Smith- Girl who's favorite thing to do is watch anime, or be Japanese-ish. She likes that kind of thing, and I do, too, kind of, but not as much as Devon. Yeah- she's somewhat crazy.

Others- Other friends of mine are all crazy, in many crazy ways. I think describing them all to you would take awhile, so I'd rather not do so.

That's all, thanks. Now you can love all my friends, just like yours. Oh, yeah, you don't have any! MWAHAHAHA!!!

With that said- bite me.

Friday, January 21, 2005


My snow day good luck charms worked, and I am not in school, which would be why I'm able to post right now. Well, technically, I would be out. But that's not the point. Anyway, I just went sledding down my friend Maggie's grandparents' house. They live on hilly property. The downside is snow got in my boots, shirt, and gloves. It was very cold.

In other news, I like Sprite. It's very refreshing. That's all. I really don't have anything else to say. Yeah, I'm tired. Yes, I got enough sleep. Yes, I'm getting annoyed, so stop asking questions! STOP IT!!!!!!

Once again- bite me, dolts.

Thursday, January 20, 2005

More of My Life I Will Force You To Read

Hi there! Currently, I'm watching Spongebob Squarepants. Yeah, I know, Spongebob Squarepants what a kiddie show. Well, screw you.

Now, onto my life. I play the cello, and this is actually my 4th year practicing. I'm not the best, but I'm pretty good. There's a bunch of crystallized forms of precipitation falling out the window. Hopefully, my district will have a crystallized form of precipitation day tomorrow. See, I consider it bad luck to say the S-N-O-W word when you want a neat little break from school when it turns white outside. So I say crystallized form of precipitation, because technically it is.

There's a bunch of projects going on right now, and I want them to go away. They can all just leave me alone! GRR! Spongebob Squarepants just ended, so, you don't need to be screwed anymore. I know, I know- I'm too generous. What? What do you mean overly modest? Narcisstic? Vain? Egotistical?! How dare you! I AM GOD HERE, IN THE BLOG OF "Milk Is Good For You," AND YOU DARE DEFY ME?!?!?! I SHALL SMITE THEE! *zap!* There, you are zapped and smited and blah blah blah. That's all for now.

Bite me.

Monday, January 17, 2005


Blah is my favorite word. Why? I don't know, it just is. I'm watching The Price Is Right at the moment. I find Bob Barker (I don't know if that's right, and I don't care) somewhat annoying. Oh, and if there is anyone else reading this, let me warn you: my sister is weird. I have no idea where she got it from, she just is, especially on the Internet. *sigh* I now return to my life of watching Bob Barker and the Price Is Right. But there are commercials, and they are always a ray of hope in the middle of boring game shows.

Panera Bread (and other topics)

Panera Bread is... very yummy. If you have a Panera Bread, you should eat there. And I recoomend the Very Chocolate brownie. It's well, very chocolate and very delicious.

On to other things, I think I should post some more things about myself. Uh, I play video games! I own a Nintendo Gamecube (but alas, it sadly owns a few exclusives to it alone). I have an assortment of games, including Super Smash Bros. Melee, Pac-Man World 2, Sonic Battle Adventure 2, Tales of Symphonia, Mario Party 4, Baten Kaitos, Metroid Prime, and a bunch of other ones I can't remember right now. I also have a GBA, and yes, I'm a nerd. Sorry.

One other thing I'll say are my pet peeves. Things that annoy me. Things such as people who can speak and read l33t, or "Internet" language. I don't wish to delve into details, so I'll leave that alone. I might add a l33t dictionary sometime in the future. Or maybe I won't. Oh well.

TV channels I frquent to are VH1, CBS, ABCFamily, where I watch a variety of shows. Like many other people. I also read. I read a lot of books, and by a lot, I mean a lot. Maybe not as many as other people, but still many. I'm particularly fond of fiction, because I am fascinated by the imagination of people, so I read about the unreal worlds of teir minds. But I should stop going on about myself and let you talk. What's that? Its' not your blog? What a wonderful comment, and ingenious! Well, I'll stop blathering so you can make comments! Ooh!

Sunday, January 16, 2005

Likely Questions From Viewers

Hi there, and welcome to my blog! You can obviously tell that I like milk (plus many other dairy products, yay cows!), and I think some of you out there might have some questions for me. I shall now list a few questions that I believe people would ask me about my blog. Here they are:

1) Q: Why a PINK template?

A: Because I felt like it and I thought it would be interesting.

2) Q: Why do you like milk?

A: I've been drinking milk ever since I was born. I'd think I would like it, wouldn't you? Plus, it goes well with cookies!

3) Q: Do you go to forums? (Well, that's probably not a question a lot of people would ask me, but that's something I was thinking of)

A: Actually, I am a frequent member of the Tales of Symphonia Forums ( I am a member of the Baten Kaitos Forums (, and also a member of Gaia Online, but I no longer go there. On most forums I go by the screenname of Shinomuri.

4) Q: Why aren't there any more questions?

A: Because I am God here, and I said "NO MORE QUESTIONS!"

Hopefully, that lets you get to know me a bit better. If not, then you shall perish in 3, 2, 1. There, you are now dead. Thank you, and goodbye for now.