Milk Is Good For You!

Ramblings from the mind of your not-so-average average teenager.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Some Algebra For You Simple-Minded Folk

Patrick getting a new game = Patrick being busy playing that game (especially if it's an amazing game, like Tales of Legendia). Also, Patrick being busy playing that game = Patrick not posting on his blog. Therefore, Patrick getting a new game = Patrick not posting on his blog.

There you have it, something I learned from Mrs. S's class. That's the substitution/transitive property of equality. It can really be either one. Well, I guess that's more of Geometry than Algebra, but no one really pays attention to little details like that, do they?

No, they don't. Unless you're a math geek. And math geeks aren't allowed in this little part of the web. And I don't care if the Internet's free. I said 'no' (But I'm just kidding. I don't want to be biased towards anyone [just keep the English geeks away to make sure they don't correct me on my grammer {once again, I'm just kidding}]).

On another note, I'm watching my dad play Call of Duty: Finest Hour. He keeps dying. Oh, well. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

Wait- was that some sort of subliminal attempt to writing irony? Wait for some haughty laughter in the background and that might be a sign that it is.

Oh, nevermind. He finally got a gun. Nice way to ruin the fun, Dad.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Moo (Didn't I Title Another Post Like This?)

You know what? I'm too lazy to check and see if I've already made a moo post.

The reason I'm posting at noon on a Monday is because it's Presidents Day. Yes, Presidents Day; the day where every President of the United States died just to give me, Patrick, a day off from school. And I shall forever be grateful to them for that.

Wait- wuzzat? They did other crap too? Pshaw, like I care what the freakin' Presidents did. I just don't want to go to school.

I've been playing Animal Crossing in amazing quantities lately. I don't know why, I just have (for those of you who don't know what Animal Crossing is [Blashphemy!], it's a game for the Gamecube that was released sometime in 2002 in which the player creates a character and moves into a town filled with animals as neighbors- hence the name. The basic premise is to pay off your debt to this raccoon you bought your house from, but you can still play even after you do that. Though the game for the Nintendo DS is supposed to be more exciting). I just really want to not have to owe any money for my house on that game any longer, so that might be why I'm playing it so much.

And speaking of games, I need a new one. I'm going to buy either Tales of Legendia or Grandia III (both for PS2) sometime soon and then ask for the other one for my birthday. Then I'll eventually grab Tales of Phantasia for the GBA, which is released sometime in March (and I can't wait because it's supposedly the sequel to Tales of Symphonia!). Over the summer I'll try and get Naruto: Narutimate Hero for the PS2, and then I'm aiming to buy Naruto: Clash of Ninja 2 for the Gamecube. Oh, and we can't forget The Legend of Zelda: The Twilight Princess which is being released around May, now can we?

No, we cannot.

Now I'm bored again, so I'll post again tomorrow or later today and complain about some people. That is, if I can remember what they did to annoy me.

Friday, February 17, 2006


Yeah, you know how I said I didn't feel like posting anything? Well, I lied (bwahaha).

Azrael from the BK forums visited my site, commented on one of the posts. And he made me laugh, but he seems to always be able to do that. So, I'm quickly making another post to note that I've been graced with his presence (that's one of the reasons why he came here: 1) to receive his own ZOMG post [due to his amazing cunning of course], or 2) because he was extremely bored).

So... yeah.


There's stuff I want to post about, but I'm too tired right now to do so. Basically, I'll be doing it tomorrow, if you're lucky. Here's a summary:

  • TG
  • AL
  • Ms. S
  • something else that I can't think of at the moment

I'll see you all later.

Monday, February 06, 2006



*breathes* The only reason I didn't fall over sleeping was because we finally got to do a worksheet and not listen to Mrs. H yap on and on...

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Oh, No

This blog, Milk Is Good For You! (with your gracious blogger me, of course), had its first year anniversary somewhere about two weeks ago. And I didn't remember it. So, I apologize to all my readers (the amazing four or five of you) for not telling you about that momentous event.

So celebrate anyway. I demand that you dance.

Saturday, February 04, 2006


Slyph read some of my blog (he's from the BK Forums. No one from the Tales Forums ever reads my blog, except LovelyHue, but that was around when the blog started. So, if someone from the Tales Forums visits, I'll be sure to notify you). He's cooler now than when he was new, so it's cool.

Thus the creation of another ZOMG post. Duh.